Home Inspections & COVID-19

We have taken extra steps to receive training and understanding so that we may reduce risk and keep everyone as safe as possible.

The Home Inspection is a necessary part of the buying process but with COVID-19 there are many concerns about having an inspector in a home for long periods of time touching everything. There are a few things that can be done to prepare for a Home Inspections during these uncertain times.

The main issue is the simple fact that a stranger (Home Inspector) is in a home that may or may not be occupied…while we do we wear our mask and rubber gloves to ensure safety there are a few things sellers/agents can do to reduce contact.

1. Turn on all the lights and fans in the home so we don’t have to touch the switches.
2. Make sure that belongings are cleared from areas that we need to access so we don’t touch your stuff.
3. Open the cabinet doors under the sinks and move the stored items so we don’t have to touch them.
4. Make sure the A/C is on and running.
5. Make sure that the whole family is not at the inspection – Necessary persons only.

These simple things reduce our contact with the home, reduce our contact with you and reduce your contact with us.

Win Win